
One of my key accomplishments as a physical therapist is the development of a three-volume Physical Therapy Assistant Training Manual. Training manual content can be viewed by clicking on the shaded sections to the left.

At the request of Handicap International, I worked with a team of physical and occupational therapists along the Thai-Cambodian border (1998-1990) to develop a standardized physical therapy assistant training. The 3-volume product also served as my Master’s Thesis at Loyola University of Chicago. This work continues to be used by Handicap International.

In addition to developing this training resource, I have applied my physical therapy skills in providing direct care (at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago and in a number of developing countries), designing physical rehabilitation programs, and providing oversight to disability and rehabilitation programs funded by USAID.

Are you looking to start a physical therapy program, or integrate physical therapy into your existing portfolio?

Contact EITEL GLOBAL to share your ideas.